Friday, 6 May 2011

Anonymous - We didn't do it

Anonymous has denied being behind an attack that led to the theft of personal data from around 77 million PSN users. Sony said that they had found a file planted on its network labelled "Anonymous" with "We are legion". However, Anonymous has said that it has been framed by online thieves to throw law enforcement off track. So if it wasn't Anonymous then who was it? Comment below! :)


  1. What are they going to do? Sue anonymity?

  2. wow that is something anon probably didn't do it

  3. of course they didn't do it, they aren't a money grabbing group. They want to prove something. It would be much better if they just turned off the lights in a major city.

  4. Interesting article. I'm glad I don't have a PS3, I'd be pretty pissed not having online access for this long.

  5. of course they didnt to it!!!
    Anonymouse is not so greedy, just to get some datas...

  6. Which is saying a lot, cause they like to credit for a lot of things.

  7. Haha who is this person that is speaking for Anonymous? Every website covering this always mentions what Anonymous said. I wonder who is actually saying it.

  8. Whoever did it, really must be clever seeing noone else had managed before. I'm afraid we'll never know for sure though.

  9. It doesn't matter who actually did it, the theft wasn't an anon ops, because Anonymous is not a group, but a symbol

  10. I think Sony just doesn't want to admit they messed up all on their own.

  11. I don't believe that Anonymous is behind the attacks - its not their style, and in my opinion if it was them, they'd be proud and admit it. Still cancelled all of my credit cards! Its amazing how EVERYTHING Sony is out - even Everquest!!

  12. All it takes is one member from anonymous to do this, and thousands more to deny it. Anonymous started the attack on Sony, it makes sense that one member would go beyond and do this.
