Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Anonymous behind the PSN terror

News has just come out of the official PlayStation Blog. In the blog, which goes over what was put forward to the U.S. House of Representatives. Sony states that they discovered that the intruders had planted a file on one of our Sony Online Entertainment servers named “Anonymous” with the words “We are Legion.” This shows that Anonymous was behind the terror that has happened with PSN. Personally, I believed that Anonymous would have had something to do with this!

What are your thoughts on this? Comment below!


  1. I don't know who anonymous are but I have heard a few rumours that 'they' did it.

  2. Wow, so it really was them. Not that it surprises me, but It took them a lot of time to finally reveal the info.

  3. I at first thought it wasn't them, but it sucks to hear that it was. Especially since a large part of 'anon' are gamers. Lame.

  4. There's always a chance that Sony just wants someone to blame and they're using Anonymous so people can direct the hate and frustration to them. Eh.

    I always have that small doubt in the back of my head about what big companies say. Don't mind me.

  5. "Nom de Plume said...

    I don't know who anonymous are"

    I see what you did there -.-

  6. I'm calling this a Red herring. Why go through the effort if they are going to out themselves what the motive? on the other hand if they did do it, whats the motive...

  7. Sony screwed with hackers, what did they expect!?

  8. really, sony suck, can't make good things.

  9. I think they're just looking for someone to blame because the longer they sit around doing nothing the more pissed off people get.

  10. I just can't believe Anon did it. Most of them are gamers anyway. Besides, wouldn't most of them rather go after Xbox Live, especially after they raised the price?

  11. Probably just sony covering up some hacker that got him and are blaming anon because they don't want to take the blame

  12. I heard they aren't doing it to harm the customers, only Sony
    How to Hack Life.

  13. Sony just wants someone to blame. They didn't even have firewalls on their servers!

  14. probably Xbox behind this,
    also probably there is anon hater in sony,
    haters gonna hate
